
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Letter to the Editor

I sent this letter to the Star Tribune regarding action by the GOP controlled Minnesota House of Representatives. Feel free to use any and all of the language in writing own LTE.

To The Editor:
The front page story, GOP Seeks Gun Law Repeal (1/27/2010) was such a surprise given Speaker Zellers and Leader Koch's promise, promise, promise to focus on jobs, jobs, jobs. The old bait and switch is standard "political" fare, but the state of our budget and the economy beg a focus on governing. 

The only way this is about governing, and not politics, is if the GOP meant jobs for arms/gun dealers, casket makers, morticians, and police-oh I forgot they are cutting funds municipalities use for police and fire. The only business that gets better with this kind of legislation is the violence business.